Summer Squash Recipe | Squash Casserole | Yellow Squash Recipe

Summer means fresh vegetables from your garden, or in my case, the local Farmer's Market.  Here's an easy Yellow Summer Squash Recipe for a casserole made with stuffing mix that's sure to please everyone young and old alike, from kids to grandkids to grandparents!

Yellow Squash Casserole

So while on Pinterest, I saw a vegetable casserole recipe for yellow summer squash that reminded me that I hadn't made my Junior Woman's Club squash recipe for our family favorite in years.  In fact, about nine years, because my charming son-in-law hadn't even had the pleasure of remembering it!

So here it is.  Yes, it calls for a can of cream of chicken soup.  Yes, this vintage recipe is THAT old, that it calls for cream of chicken soup!  But the surprise is that it also calls for stuffing mix.  Such a delicious combo!  You won't be going tsk tsk after you taste it!

Yellow Squash Casserole Recipe

Cotton Dish Cloths

I've been so busy with my Moomettes Crochet shop lately, adding all kinds of eco-friendly cotton crochet handmade dishcloths to my shop.

Handmade Dish Cloths

Aren't these dish cloths pretty? They make such nice gifts.

Buy the pretty Cotton Handmade Dish Cloths for easy clean-up in the kitchen! 

Feel free to add a protein of your choice - chicken, turkey, any leftovers and turn it into dinner casserole - Whether for week night dinner or your next family gathering, cookout or Brunch, Enjoy!!
Check out my recipe for homemade Zucchini Bread too !

  Vintage Summer Squash Recipe

1 (8 oz.) package stuffing mix
(2 lbs) 6 cups sliced yellow squash
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 can cream of chicken soup (or make it vegetarian with your own substitution 
1 (8 oz.) sour cream
1 cup shredded carrots
1/2 cup butter or margarine

In a saucepan put the cut-up squash and onion in boiling salted water for 5 minutes.  Drain.
Combine the soup with the sour cream and stir in shredded carrot, fold in drained squash and onion.
Combine stuffing mix with the butter or margarine.
Spread 1/2 of mixture in bottom of baking dish.
Pour in other mixture and put rest of stuffing over it.
Bake in 350 degrees oven for 25-30 minutes. 

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