Broccoli Cheese Casserole Recipe | Vegetable Casserole | Brunch Recipe

I'd like to share one of my favorite side dishes with you. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach - this is my Charming Son-In-Law's favorite Broccoli Casserole. We serve it all year long, not just for the Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas Holidays!

Broccoli Casserole

This favorite Broccoli Cheese casserole recipe was given to me by one of our friends which I first got married. Actually, I really don't care for broccoli all that much - guess I'm like our former President George W. Bush, however, I think it's the best broccoli casserole and ONLY broccoli I eat!  Now my own daughters make it for their family.

Broccoli Cheese Casserole Recipe

What makes this Broccoli Casserole Recipe zesty is the addition of Apple Cider Vinegar and French's Onion Rings !

Easy cleanup in the kitchen with my Handmade Dish Cloths from my Moomettes Shops!

Handmade Sage Green Dish Cloths Cotton Wash Cloths

You might like to try my Green Bean Soup or Green Bean Casserole Recipe as a veggie side dish too !

Broccoli Cheese Casserole

1 Bag chopped broccoli (16 oz.)
1 Can French's Onion rings
1 jar Cheese Whiz (8 oz)
1/2   c.  Hellman's mayonnaise
Apple vinegar to taste (1 tsp.)

Cook and drain broccoli.  Steam if desired instead.

Mix in Cheese Whiz,  mayonnaise, vinegar and 3/4 of the onion rings.

Spray casserole dish lightly with cooking spray.

Top with remaining onion rings.

Bake in 350 degree oven for approximately 30 minutes, or until bubbly.

Do not overcook.

Let me know what you think! I make it not only for the Holidays such as Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas, but whenever I cook a roast.

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