Raisin Holly Yule Log | Yule Log | Christmas Desserts


Here is a special Christmas dessert, Holly Yule Log that your family will be certain to enjoy during the holiday season, New Years Eve or New Years Day Brunch - and perhaps become a tradition in your house, as it is in ours.

Holly Yule Log Recipe

Christmas Holly Yule Log Recipe

Many many years ago my MIL found a recipe for a Christmas Yule Log.  Our family enjoyed it for years.  Then suddenly, a major ingredient that was necessary was discontinued. It was Whip & Chill.  If it's still made, I can't find it around here. 

I experimented, and by golly by accident, came up with a replacement! Yay! 

The Almond extract gives this festive dessert a soothing flavor, but of course, you can change the flavoring to any you wish - perhaps Peppermint is your favorite?

Holly Yule Log Recipe

Over the years, we've adapted this recipe to make it into individual servings.  Using a scoop, pour into individual festive cupcake papers and freeze.  At this point, we now call them "Yule Plops" ! 

Check out my other holiday desserts that will delight your seasonal gatherings - 
Semi Sweet Chocolate Cream Pie

Happy Holidays!

Easy clean up with Handmade Dish Cloths from Moomettes Crochet Shop

Handmade Cotton Dish Cloths


Raisin Holly Yule Log



                3/4 cup raisins, chopped

                  1 oz  semi sweet chocolate

                  2     packages Dream Whip

                  1     box instant vanilla pudding

                  1 cup milk

                1/2 cup vanilla wafers

                  1 tsp cherries

                  1 tsp Almond extract (or flavoring of your choice - peppermint, brandy, rum)

                  2 oz  bittersweet chocolate

                  1     tb butter




               Chop raisins.  Shave chocolate.  Prepare whipped 

               mix.  Fold in chocolate, raisins, cookie crumbs, 

               cherries and extract.  Freeze in soup can (large) 

               until firm. (Or place plops in foil-lined cupcake 

               papers). Glaze: Melt 2 oz. bittersweet chocolate with 

               1 tbl butter over hot water.  Stir in 2 tsp. light Karo 

               syrup.  Decorate as desired.  Cool slightly. Serves 6

Unmold while slightly room temperature.

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