Breadmaker Pizza Dough | Pizza Dough Recipe | Pizza Dough

Everyone loves pizza, and Connecticut is the Pizza Capitol!  It's so easy to make your own with favorite toppings with the Breadmaker Pizza Dough Recipe

We have Pepe's and Sally's Pizza in New Haven, along with Willington Pizza in Willington, Connecticut..  Of course each town has their own local favorite pizza shops.

Breadmaker Machine Pizza Dough Recipe

There's all types of pizza you can make with this pizza dough - flatbread Hawaiian pizza, Buffalo Chicken pizza, yummy tomato and basil pizza with fresh mozzarella cheese.  The variations are endless.

Breadmaker Machine Pizza Dough Recipe

My aunt was married to an Italian, and she loved to cook, doing all of her meal preparation for the week on stay-at-home Sunday.

Pizza Dough and toppings made in a Breadmaker

Here's her favorite recipe for Pizza Dough. No need for take-out when you can freeze your own !

Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe

Easy clean up in the kitchen with Handmade Cotton Dish Cloths from Moomettes Crochet Shop

Handmade Cotton Dish Cloths

Breadmaker Pizza Dough


1   pkg. yeast
3   c. flour
1   c. lukewarm water (1-1/4 c.)
1   tsp. oil (1 tbl.)
1/2   tsp. salt
Reduce flour by 1/4 c. and add 1/2 grated parmesan
Or add 1 tsp. basil, 1 tbl. grated garlic, 1 tsp. oregano
Water can be replaced with beer


Add liquid ingredients.  Add yeast last.  Put in  machine.  Make on dough cycle. 
Take out and put on floured board.  Cover for 10-15 minutes.
 Roll out and place on pan dusted with cornmeal. I use a Pizza Stone from Pampered Chef.
 Put olive oil on top and add favorite toppings. 
Bake 375° for 20-25 minutes.

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