Winter Comfort Vegetables | Saute Parsnip Casserole Dish

I'd like to share my mother-in-law's recipe on how to cook parsnips, a family favorite winter vegetable Parsnip Casserole with Bacon.

Parsnip Saute Casserole with Bacon

Parsnip Saute Casserole with Bacon 

The holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah are coming up and soon we're starting a New Year. All the Christmas cookies and desserts are planned.  If it hasn't already, soon the snow will begin to fly. To me, that means I'll be hibernating, cocooning and turning to comfort food.

Yes, my family actually ASKS for me to make these sweet parsnips! My mother-in-law used to babysit for my kids when they were tots, and would have dinner started for me one day a week. Once she stopped babysitting, I would have her over for Sunday dinner. I learned to cook some of my husband's favorite family dishes at her knee.

When winter rolls around, you experience your body slow down, and perhaps you'll notice that all you want to do is eat breadstuff and cheese.  While a certain amount of comfort eating can help raise your spirits when days are short, soon you'll find that too much of a good thing can, in it's turn lead to feeling lethargic and groggy, or SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder.)

Parsnip Casserole Dish with Bacon

If the mention of consuming plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole foods seems hard during  the winter, think of preparing lots of hot casseroles, soups and baked berry desserts. Try to use what's in season - all of those root vegetables, carrots, rutabagas, celery, turnips, onions and leeks. You might want to try  a combination or choice with a bit of vegetable stock and brown lentils to make a nourishing soup or this parsnip casserole (add fresh or dried herbs for extra flavor) - follow it with a yummy apple and berry crumble. Comfort food can be nutritious and can help you get rid of the winter blahs!

Speaking of veggies - check out this Broccoli Cheese Casserole which is yummy to feed a crowd!

Easy cleanup in the kitchen with Handmade Crochet Dish Cloths from Moomettes Shop !

Handmade Cotton Dish Cloths

Winter Vegetable Parsnip Casserole Bacon Skillet Saute

1 bag (1 lb.) parsnips, peeled and cut into 1" pieces
1/2 lb. bacon
salt, pepper and seasonings, to taste

Par Boil parsnips in a large stock pot until fork tender, about 30 minutes.
Fry bacon in frying pan. Remove from pan and set aside.
In a Saute pan, saute the parsnips in bacon drippings until golden brown on all sides, turning occasionally
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Add crumbled bacon pieces if desired.

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