Asian Pot Stickers | Fried Dumplings | Potsticker Recipe

If you enjoy Asian food, these Pot Stickers are for you, so easy to make.

Asian Potstickers Dumplings

Asian Pot Stickers Dumplings 

My co-worker gave me the recipe for Pot Stickers many years ago, and I have made tons of them to send to my daughter and her roomates when she was in college.  They are easy to freeze, and then microwave for lunch, dinner, snack or party food. 

 I like to meal prep these tidbits ahead of time and keep a bag on hand in the freezer to grab when needed..
Aactually I only have a recipe for the dumpling filling and then I just wing it so here goes.

You can purchase the wrappers in the grocery store or an Asian specialty store – to me it's not worth the time to make them.  Round or square wrappers can be used.


Pot Sticker Dumpling Recipe

1 package won ton wrappers


3/4  lb. ground pork or ground chicken
Soy Sauce (NOT La Choy) or Tamari to taste
Salt and pepper, optional
2 cloves minced garlic
A bit of minced scallion
1/2 to 3/4 small can water chestnuts, minced
Just enough corn starch to bind
1 -2 tbl. of water, for softness
 Keep won ton wrappers sealed until ready to use
Mix all other ingredients
Have a small bowl of warm water ready for dipping your fingers 
Have a plate or platter ready and a wet towel to keep the dumplings moist
On each wrapper place approx. 3/4 tsp. of meat  mixture
Fold to desired shape and seal with wet fingers
Place on plate and after 3-4 cover with wet towel until ready to cook to prevent wrapper from drying 
Steam until wrapper shrinks slightly around meat and looks wet
Remove from steamer and return to plate and wet towel
Put a thin sim of oil in pan and fry on medium high  until golden
Dip in any sauce you like and enjoy
(May be frozen at any stage but must be well sealed)
(May be refrigerated after steaming and before frying if kept under moist towel - 
great when having company)

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