Keto Bacon Cheese Nachos
The Keto diet focuses on cheese and fats. Right up my alley. I now have a Pinterest Board for Keto and Atkins Friendly recipe
Pinterest has been my friend, and I did some research and am trying the Keto Diet to drop some weight. I have to admit I'm a self-professed snacker, and it's for that reason that I'm now trying to lose a few pounds. The homemade ice cream that I made this summer most definitely did me in. That, and along with the sweet tooth I have for rich desserts. One of my favorite diet-friendly desserts I turn to is my peanut butter treats.
The basic recipe is frying up some bacon, layering shredded cheese over parchment paper, sprinkling bacon and more cheese, and baking. Broiling adds a nice crisp touch.
These Bacon Cheese Nachos keep for quite some time in a container in the refrigerator.
Find the recipe for these Nachos here.
I do quite a bit of my shopping at Aldi, and found the already-prepared Guac easier than trying to make my own. I'm also trying to incorporate fresh Avocado into my diet.
Easy clean up with Handmade Cotton Dish Cloths from Moomettes Crochet Shop

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