DIY Clothing Stain Remover Recipe | Eco Friendly Household Cleaners | Cleaning Tips

DIY Clothing Stain Remover Recipe | Eco Friendly Household Cleaners | Cleaning Tips

DIY Stain Removers

This week I’m continuing with the series on Green and Eco-Friendly household cleaner products.

But back to the DIY homemade recipes. Here’s several that you can easily put together in a short time:

Double, double toil and trouble
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble
Macbeth Act 4 scene 1

For First-Aid try this ~

Everyone knows that hydrogen peroxide will clean out a wound, and that’s probably the only way most people will use it. Did you know, however, that it’s great for removing fresh blood on clothing? It has the same foaming action that draws the dirt out of a scrape or scratch and also can remove blood from shirts or slacks.

For Household Cleaning ~

Kitchen counters and wooden cutting boards, if not cleaned properly, could be a breeding ground of salmonella or other bacteria. Rinse your counter or cutting board down with hydrogen peroxide after they’re washed to kill any traces of bacteria. It also helps to rub a little lemon juice on it too.

Do you need an Air Freshener?

Who said it isn’t possible to make an air freshener that will actually absorb odors rather than cover them up? In a bottle that will create a fine mist, combine two cups of hot water, one teaspoon of baking soda, and one teaspoon of vinegar. Shake the bottle to help the baking soda dissolve. If you don’t like the smell of vinegar, you can easily add a drop or two of any citrus essential oil. (Don’t forget to be sure to clearly mark the bottle!)

I also promised that I was going to give you the ‘recipe’ for my famous “If This Doesn’t Work Nothing Will” homemade stain remover.

I learned that little trick for my eBay store and am a Top Rated Seller as well as an eBay Power Seller. I sold boutique women’s and children’s clothing, and belong to several eBay Facebook Groups and proprietary (Read: I had to pay to belong) forums that specialized in Ebay selling tips. Oh, there’s a science to it, ~ seasons, titles how to sell and buy new or gently loved children’s boutique clothing on eBay, everything. Several moms sold used boutique clothing as boutique is usually a good return on your investment when you go to sell it. But, since it is “previously loved,” sometimes you have a stain or two to remove.

Now you can find my Handmade Dish Cloths in my and Moomettes Crochet Shop

Now for my “Miracle Stain Remover Recipe!”  Now that I have 6 grandkids, I use this recipe quite often! 

Remember ~ If this doesn’t work, probably nothing will!

Miracle DIY Stain Remover Recipe

1 Cup Cascade powdered dishwasher detergent
1 Cup Clorox 2 liquid bleach
VERY hot water (enough to cover clothing)

– Mix above ingredients well before adding clothing.
– Soak clothes a minimum of 6 hours. I usually leave them overnight.
– Wash as normal and voila!
Spot test to make sure color doesn’t fade or bleed. Although Clorox 2 is supposed to be safe on colors, it isn’t always. If you have a dark colored item, I would substitute OxyClean for the Clorox 2.

You don’t have to spend a fortune, or fill your home with harmful chemicals, to get your home clean. Well-known items, usually found in the home anyhow, are all you need. By combining a few simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, borax, or hydrogen peroxide, you can keep your home clean and healthy.

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© Frugal New England Kitchen 
 Photo Credit:  Morgue File